
AMMCS Travel Grants and Prizes
We are pleased to announce that there are several additional awards for young researchers in the category of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows under the age of 35. Nominations for these awards from established researchers are welcome.
- This year the AMMCS Kolmogorov-Wiener Prize for Young Researchers will also be awarded. The competition for this award is open to young researchers (as defined above) who submitted their papers to the AIP Proceedings of AMMCS-2011 and who have at least one peer refereed journal publication published prior to this conference. The award is to recognize and support innovative interdisciplinary research carried out by researchers at an early stage of their career in the areas of mathematical, natural and applied sciences where methods and tools of mathematical modeling are decisive. Applications should include: (a) detailed CV with academic record and list of publications plus one selected journal publication in pdf format, (b) a summary of research work and accomplishments to date (limited to one page), (c) a maximum of two letters of support are highly desirable, but not required, (d) if the paper is co-authored, a statement from other authors that the candidate made a major and decisive contribution to the paper, (e) a statement from the candidate that the paper has not been submitted for any other scientific awards. Submissions and all accompanied materials must be in English. Your complete application package should be sent with subject line "AMMCS Kolmogorov-Wiener Young Researcher Award" by July 15, 2011 to ammcs2011@wlu.ca
- We expect a limited number of partial travel scholarships to become available to qualified applicants. In order to apply, please submit (a) a cover letter highlighting how you would benefit from attending AMMCS-2011, (b) your CV with brief summary of your research interest and accomplishments to date, and (c) the abstract of your presentation. Please indicate in your cover letter if you submitted the full paper to the AIP Proceedings of AMMCS-2011. The complete package should be sent with subject line "AMMCS-2011 Travel Award" to the Chair of Student Prize Committee (cstoica@wlu.ca) with cc to ammcs2011@wlu.ca Alternatively, you can apply online from this webportal of the conference at the Fields Institute (the deadline is July 7, 2011, after which the link to online submissions will be closed).
Payment of the above travel scholarship funds and other awards will be made to recipients after they have attended the conference. |