AIP Proceedings of AMMCS-2011
All papers submitted for the AIP Proceedings of AMMCS-2011 will be peer reviewed. Only papers with at least one registered author will be considered. Please read the instructions below carefully and follow them strictly (manuscripts that do not comply with these requirements will be rejected without sending them to the reviewers).
In order to prepare your manuscript please follow carefully Author Instructions which can be found here. Your manuscript should not exceed 4 pages in the 8.5X11 single column format.
You can prepare your manuscript either in Latex or MS Word. We strongly recommend to use Latex. In either case, the result must be a camera ready pdf file. Your file should be named by your originally submitted abstract ID number and the corresponding author last name, e.g. 239-Ramsay.pdf
For each paper the authors should also submit a copyright agreement which can be found at the Author Instructions page. You should complete, scan, and upload your Transfer of Copyright form as a pdf file (as 239-Ramsay-copyright.pdf in the above example).
Special Note to MS Word Users: We discourage usage of MS Word. However, if you decide to use MS Word, the publisher emphasizes the importance of embedding fonts when saving from Word to PDF, according to the instructions given here (if all fonts are not embedded in the PDF file, they may drop out of the file when printing, resulting in blank spaces, or strange symbols when printed).
Special Note on Permissions Documentation: Your should request and submit along with your paper the necessary permissions documentation
for any figures or tables borrowed from other sources. Any figures or tables taken in their
entirety from another source need permission from the previous publisher or author. If the source is an AIP or member society journal, or an AIP Conference Proceedings Volume, permission does not need to be obtained. Likewise, if the source is considered public domain, or was authored by one of the authors of
the current paper, permission does not need to be obtained.
After you have prepared your manuscript and completed your Copyright form as explained above, please upload these two pdf documents (plus any permission documents, if applicable) at this AIP page . You have to register as a new user in order to do that - you will see the "New Users" link for authors to create a new account at the bottom, center of the page. Finally, please make sure that you select the AMMCS-2011 conference for your submission (1368: International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science - Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 25 July - 29 July, 2011).