
Minisymposium (ID: SS-VS)
Numerical Methods for First and Second Order Fully Nonlinear PDEs
Organizers: Xiaobing Feng (University of Tennessee), Chiu-Yen Kao (Ohio State University), Ying Wang (University of Minnesota)
Since the notion of viscosity solutions was introduced in the early 1980s by Crandall and Lions, it has been successfully developed into a beautiful PDE theory for first and second order fully nonlinear PDEs over the past thirty years. Parallel to the development of the PDE theory, research on design, analysis and implementation of novel numerical methods and algorithms for computing viscosity solutions has been very active, especially in the recent years. Significant progress and advance have been made in this difficult and dynamic research area. The aim of this minisymposium is to bring a group of active researchers in this area to exchange ideas and to present their latest research results in developing numerical methods and algorithms for computing viscosity solutions of a wide class of nonlinear PDEs including Hamilton-Jacobi equations, conservation equations, Monge-Ampere type equations, and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations.
More on this Minisymposium (follow this link)
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