Minisymposium (ID: SS-SDAEA)
New developments in numerical methods and software for differential-algebraic equations and applications
Organizers: Andreas Griewank (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), John Pryce (Cranfield University, and Ned Nedialkov (McMaster University)
Systems of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) naturally arise in many engineering applications e.g. in robotics, circuit simulations, chemical engineering. The index of a DAE is a measure of how difficult it is to solve it, compared to an ordinary differential equation. Theory and software for index 1,2 and 3 DAEs are well established and such problems are routinely solved.
This minisymposium is devoted to recent developments in methods, applications, and software for DAEs and also partial DAEs. Topics can include index determination, consistent initialization, symbolic-numeric techniques for dynamical modeling and simulation, numerical integration schemes, and in particular schemes for high-index DAEs; schemes for structural analysis and integration using automatic differentiation; schemes for event location and its application to hybrid (mixed continuous/discrete) systems; applications of DAEs in optimization, optimal control, circuit analysis, and hybrid dynamic systems.
More on this Minisymposium (follow this link)
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