
Minisymposium (ID: SS-NMMM)
Numerical Methods for Mathematical Models based on ODEs, PDEs, Integral and Integro-differential Equations
Organizers: Atife Caglar (University of Wisconsin, Green Bay), Faranak Pahlevani (Penn State University, Abington)
This minisymposium covers all aspects of numerical methods for mathematical models based on ODEs, PDEs, integral and integro-differential equations.
Numerical methods play a fundamental role in mathematical modelling. Mathematical models comprise the development and study such as structure, well posedness, and solution properties of a mathematical formulation of a problem. Numerical methods comprise the formulation and study such as stability, convergence, computational complexity of a numerical approximation or solution approaches to a mathematically formulated problem. Applications may be drawn from the broad range of physical, life, social sciences, as well as from many engineering and industrial disciplines.
More on this Minisymposium (follow this link)
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