
Special Session (ID: SS-MMSS)
Mathematical Models in Social Sciences
Organizers: Marc Kilgour (Wilfrid Laurier University)
The Social Sciences offer broad ranges of problems, issues, and principles that can benefit from mathematical modelling. In fact, many of the Social Sciences have taken an increasingly mathematical flavour over the last 75 years, and a great deal of interesting mathematics has resulted from this cross-disciplinary collaboration. For example, Game Theory, which was developed by a renowned mathematician, John von Neumann, and a well known economist, Oskar Morgenstern, has revolutionized Economics, and made substantial impacts in Political Science and other disciplines. This session will feature a new applications of mathematics and mathematical models to problems in the social sciences, and includes new ideas for bargaining, social choice, psychology, and other fields.
More on this Special Session (follow this link)
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