Special Session (ID: SS-MMPF)
Mathematical Modeling of Protein Flexibility
Organizers: Forbes Burkowski and Henry Wolkowicz (University of Waterloo)
In biology, modeling the structure of a large molecule is very important if one is to understand its behaviour. Structure models have been utilized in the analysis of DNA, RNA, and proteins. In particular, proteins have a very complicated structure that allows them to interact with each other and with smaller molecules. The "magic" that is life takes place in the cavities of their macromolecular surfaces. A protein is a long chain-like molecule, typically involving thousands of atoms, and usually folded into a compact low energy structure. Living cells contain tens of thousands of different proteins that provide both structure and control of life processes. To understand these processes we need to study both the 3D structures of proteins and the structural changes that are intrinsic to protein functionality. This session of the conference will deal with the geometric modeling and computational algorithms related to these structural changes.
More on this Special Session (follow this link)
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