Special Session (ID: SS-CA)
Differential and Integral Symbolic-Numeric Algorithms
Organizers: Ekaterina Shemyakova (University of Western Ontario)
Hybrid symbolic-numeric algorithms in the polynomial and linear algebra setting have recently received much attention, developing a body of effective theory and a broad range of applications. This session investigates what steps can be made in symbolic-numeric algorithms for differential and integral operators. We wish to bring this subject to the attention of the computer algebra community. It is recognized that some first steps have already been made in this direction and there remain many questions to answer.
Topics of interest include, but are are not limited to:
- Approximate polynomial algorithms in a non-commutative setting;
- Approximate algorithms for Differential and Integral Operators;
- Initial value problems with parameters and approximate boundary conditions or coefficients;
- Semi-numerical algebraic geometry in jet spaces;
- Integral tranform methods in a semi-numerical settings;
- Spectoral factorization of symbolic-numeric functions;
- Fredholm theory in a symbolic-numeric context.
Further information on this session is available from the organizer's website.
More on this Special Session (follow this link)
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