The 2015 AMMCS-CAIMS Congress
Interdisciplinary AMMCS Conference Series
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada | June 7-12, 2015AMMCS-CAIMS 2015 Plenary Talk
DNS/LES of Complex Turbulent Flows beyond Petascale
Paul Fischer (University of Illinois)
Petascale computing platforms currently feature million-way parallelism and it
is anticipated that exascale computers with billion-way concurrency will be
deployed in the early 2020s. In this talk, we explore the potential of
computing at these scales with a focus on turbulent fluid flow and heat
transfer in a variety of applications including nuclear energy, combustion,
oceanography, vascular flows, and astrophysics. Following Kreiss and Oliger
’72, we argue that high-order methods are essential for scalable simulation of
transport phenomena. We demonstrate that these methods can be realized at costs
equivalent to those of low-order methods having the same number of gridpoints.
We further show that, with care, efficient multilevel solvers having bounded
iteration counts will scale to billion-way concurrency. Using data from
leading-edge platforms over the past 25 years, we analyze the scalability of
state-of-the-art solvers to predict parallel performance on exascale
architectures. The analysis sheds light on the expected scope of exascale
physics simulations and provides insight to design requirements for future
algorithms, codes, and architectures.

Paul Fischer is a Blue Waters Professor at the University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in the departments of Computer Science and
Mechanical Science & Engineering. He received his Ph.D. in mechanical
engineering from MIT and was a post-doc in applied mathematics at Caltech,
where he was the first Center for Research in Parallel Computation fellow. His
work is in the area of high-order numerical methods for partial differential
equations, scalable linear solvers, and high-performance
computing. He is the architect of the open source SEM-based fluid
dynamics/heat transfer code Nek5000, which has been recognized with the
Gordon Bell Prize in high-performance computing and which has successfully
scaled beyond a million processes. Nek5000 is currently used by over 200
researchers for a variety of applications in turbulence and heat transfer.