The 2015 AMMCS-CAIMS Congress
Interdisciplinary AMMCS Conference Series
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada | June 7-12, 2015AMMCS-CAIMS 2015 Plenary Talk
Eight great reasons to do maths
Chris Budd (University of Bath)
The UK government has identified 8 great technologies which it believes will
lead the advancement of science and technology into the future. Mathematics
underpins all of these and developments of mathematics will be the engine for
future growth in all of them. In this talk I will describe the 8 technologies
and look at some of the maths behind them, from Big Data through to Energy.

I have broad research interests in interdisciplinary industrial and applied
mathematics with a particular interest in complex nonlinear problems arising in
real applications. Typically these involve the solution (analytically or
numerically) of partial differential equations. A large amount of my work for
the last ten years has been in numerical weather prediction and data
assimilation in close collaboration with the Met Office (which I visit very
frequently). My algorithms are now incorporated into the Met Office operational
weather forecasting code where they have made a significant difference to their
accuracy and received a Knowledge Transfer Award. I am also working on climate
modelling using modern mathematical and computational methods and am actively
involved in a number of international climate modelling networks, including
CliMathNet which I co-direct and the Maths of Planet Earth programme. I also
collaborate with the energy industry, the aerospace industry, the
telecommunications industry and the food industry. Anywhere that maths can be
applied is of interest to me.