The 2015 AMMCS-CAIMS Congress
Interdisciplinary AMMCS Conference Series
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada | June 7-12, 2015AMMCS-CAIMS 2015 Semi-Plenary Talk
Computing elliptic curves of fixed conductor
Mike Bennett (University of British Columbia)
I will discuss new, old and older still methods for computing elliptic curves
with bad reduction outside given sets of primes. Applying these, we are now
able to find models for all elliptic curves over the rationals with prime
conductor bounded by 10^10 and, conjecturally, by 10^12. I will then mention
extensions of these results to the case of more general conductors and to
curves over number fields. This is a joint work with Andrew Rechnitzer.

Michael Bennett is Professor and Head of the Mathematics Department at the
University of British Columbia. Prior to coming to UBC, he held positions at
The University of Illinois, The Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, The
University of Michigan and the University of Waterloo. He has authored more
than 60 papers in Number Theory. In 2004, he was a recipient of the Ribenboim
prize of the Canadian Number Theory Association.